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grandhall christianfellowship
Nov 3, 20212 min read
November blog 2021 Leaving a legacy
On Monday 11th October we lost a very dear and valued member of our church - Mrs Alison McClelland. She was a hearer of God’s word and a...

grandhall christianfellowship
Oct 3, 20212 min read
October blog 2021 - Taking a stand
When as a Christian should you take a stand for the principles and values you believe in? You have likely heard the old adage “not every...

Pastor John MacInnes
Sep 1, 20212 min read
September blog 2021 Remembering the suffering
Over the last few days it has been a heartache to hear of the suffering from the folks in Afghanistan. I have heard pastors and...

Pastor John MacInnes
Aug 1, 20213 min read
August Blog 2021 : A busy but organised life
So many folks seem ever so busy again as things open up and freedom of movement edges forward. For what seems such a long time now people...

Pastor John MacInnes
Jul 1, 20212 min read
July Blog 2021 When Jesus Calls
I clearly remember the final stage of being called into full time ministry. I was still in secular employment being self-employed running...

Pastor John MacInnes
Jun 1, 20212 min read
June blog 2021 Making a difference
Question: Are you living a life that is fruitful and making a difference in this world? It’s a very challenging question, isn’t it? Are...

Pastor John MacInnes
May 2, 20212 min read
May blog 2021 Holiday Blues
One of the great uncertainties heading out of lockdown is when and where can you enjoy a holiday. Can you go to your favourite country...

Pastor John MacInnes
Apr 2, 20212 min read
April Blog 2021: Locked In And Let Out
It’s starting to feel like an awful long time that people have been locked down and locked in! Still there is a general feeling that...

Pastor John MacInnes
Mar 1, 20212 min read
March blog 2021 Learning to be content
Question: Are you a contented person? That’s a thought isn’t it? I sincerely hope that you are but if you are not, is it possible to...

Pastor John MacInnes
Feb 2, 20212 min read
February blog Love, Love, Love
Who would believe it’s February already! It will soon be a year since lockdown began with its ever changing restrictions and impact on...

Pastor John MacInnes
Jan 2, 20212 min read
January 2021 New Year & Fresh Hope
What a year 2020 had been! Who could ever have predicted it? You would not be going too far to describe it as unique in world history....

Pastor John MacInnes
Dec 1, 20202 min read
December blog 2020 Good Tidings of Great Joy
When you look at pictures of the birth of Christ it looks ever so peaceful. Clear bright sky’s, angels singing, a radiant expectant...

Pastor John MacInnes
Oct 31, 20202 min read
November blog 2020 - Turning back the clock
Well it’s that time of the year again when the clocks have just gone back 1 hour. It signals the start of a new season. The summer is...

Pastor John MacInnes
Oct 1, 20202 min read
October blog 2020 Worst Case Scenario?
Hi folks, we have had a lot of changes in how we can again meet since last month’s blog. For example, at the time of writing no more...

Pastor John MacInnes
Sep 1, 20202 min read
September blog 2020 Found a church?
Hi guys, I would like to consider in this blog the importance of tying in with a good gospel preaching church. It has been such a...

Pastor John MacInnes
Aug 2, 20202 min read
August Blog 2020. Time out!
Blessings and thank you for joining us for our August monthly blog. Some people are now back into their routines, others still in total...

Pastor John MacInnes
Jun 27, 20202 min read
Leaving the past behind
There are many lessons we could have and should have learned during this unusual time of lockdown. Families have had more opportunity to...

Pastor John MacInnes
May 30, 20203 min read
What Happens Next?
As lockdown restrictions ease off we now consider the question: what happens next? Today I want to look at part of the story of Moses. He...

Pastor John MacInnes
May 2, 20202 min read
Blessing in Lockdown
We are thinking and praying for individuals and families throughout our land and beyond at this time of lockdown. Many have lost loved...

Pastor John MacInnes
Apr 1, 20203 min read
A lie or alive?
What a difference one month can make! As I write, churches everywhere are closed and the whole world is in a state of great alarm. Many...
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