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A lie or alive?

Writer: Pastor John MacInnesPastor John MacInnes

What a difference one month can make! As I write, churches everywhere are closed and the whole world is in a state of great alarm. Many families are enduring hardship financially, emotionally and even some are coping with the death of those nearest and dearest to them.

Have you ever taken time out to seriously consider the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection and the implications of it? Why do I mention it in these times?

Is it just a fairy tale? Does it even matter?

For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised:

And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins

Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.

If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.

But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept

For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.

For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 1 Corinthians 15 v 16-22

Well it’s a very big deal! If Christ did not rise then we who trust in Him have no hope of rising either. “your faith is vain” we are told here or worse still the word

“perished” is used. So is this just a story that is a comfort blanket for those who just can’t face reality?

Many have tried to deny the bodily resurrection of Jesus. In His own day the religious leaders payed the soldiers guarding His tomb to deny it. Yet there are just too many witnesses for any credible person to dismiss it. The women at the tomb, the two on the Emmaus Rd, His own disciples (Thomas just in total disbelief until he examined it further), 500 witnesses at various and different times.

They were not just willing to retell this very unpopular story - many of them died for sticking by it. Ask yourself does that make any sense? Why would you die in agony for sticking to a story you knew to be false? The thing is they were so convinced it was true that it was impossible for them to deny it!

Now, if it be true that has huge implications for all of us. Our last verse tells us “all in Adam die”. Meaning every member of the human race will one day pass away. In these days the Corona Virus has made us acutely aware of that.

None of us can deny that and there is not a thing we can do to prevent it, whether it be of plague, accident or passing away peacefully in old age.

Remember we were told if Christ is not risen we will perish. Yet without faith in Christ we will perish. We will be lost and far from God with no way to ever get to Him.

Through the death and resurrection of Jesus that changes! “even so in Christ shall all be made alive”. Now outside of Him you won’t. Be if you trust in Him and have received Him as your personal saviour you have this great promise- you too will be made alive.

As death did not defeat The Lord Jesus neither will it have final victory over those who know and love Him. It is but a sleep. A day will come when we awake in His presence and that will be a glorious day indeed.

As you adjust to life under these new circumstances and perhaps in isolation please use the time wisely. Think of eternity. Where will you spend it? Heaven or Hell (the bible speaks of both as real places). If you would like to discuss anything in this article please feel free to contact us.

We pray each family will know the love, comfort and protection that can only be found in God alone.

With much love please be assured our thoughts and prayers -from Pastor John and all at the Grand Hall Fellowship.



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