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August Blog 2021 : A busy but organised life

Writer: Pastor John MacInnesPastor John MacInnes

So many folks seem ever so busy again as things open up and freedom of movement edges forward. For what seems such a long time now people have worked away at a somewhat more leisurely pace. Now the rush is on and it’s all guns blazing!

Question: How do we strike the balance in a busy schedule that demands much of our time? Not only are work and other activities as before but in fact “the virtual world” has expanded too. What do I mean by that? Well, there seem to be more Zoom calls, WhatsApp groups and after-work emails than ever before. Sometimes it can be beneficial, other times the clear line between rest and family time can become somewhat blurred.

Genesis 1v1-5:

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

Never was a busier time on earth than that week!

Lets see what practical lessons we can take from Gods own word and work.

There was so much to do! Yet you never feel God is in anyway overwhelmed by any of it. Of course, He was not - He is God!

Yet He shows us principles that we can emulate in our own lives.

There was in fact a clear plan of what would be achieved each day. It was organised, finished and picked up again the following day.

I particularly want to consider the position we often start from compared to where God started each day.

We are often reactionary by nature. We see a huge work load and are moved accordingly.

Did you notice though that we are told “the evening and the morning were the first day”.

If you read through the chapter you will find all the days are similar.

God started from evening - a place and time of rest going towards to

the morning- a place and time of activity.

To be most effective it’s not a good plan to jump in and react. Start your day from a place of rest. Physically of course that is very important. Getting a good night’s sleep and start fully charged. Yet there is much more to it than that.

Start your day with God. Read, pray and meditate on His word. Only them are you in a position to be most effective.

God actually rested entirely the seventh day, not because He needed to but as an example (actually it’s more than that, it is a commandment for us).

We are called to come apart and rest. Not in some lazy way. But taking time out with our families in the worship and service of God.

The famous Charles Spurgeon was once asked how he could achieve so much in one day? He replied “you are forgetting there are two of us”.

He started His day with God and God continued with him and blessed him throughout the remainder of his day.

Strike a balance in your life. Put God first, family next, be a great employee, friend and companion whose life is steeped in the word of God. “The evening and the morning were the first day”.

Love and blessings- Pastor John



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