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December blog 2021: One Thing Needful

Writer: grandhall christianfellowshipgrandhall christianfellowship

Updated: Feb 1, 2022

Well, it’s that time of the year again where people are buying and exchanging gifts.

We all receive some we like better than others. The best ones are generally from those who know us well, who have taken time to consider what is most useful or enjoyable to us. The flip side of that are those that we will never use and see no value in. They neither affect our quality of life or cause a smile as you open them up.

It can often be “afterthoughts” that disappoint most. Perhaps multicoloured socks you will never wear, scented candles or a bag of nuts when you have an allergy or something else equally useless to you. But what has all this got to do with a Pastor’s blog you may well ask?

It got me thinking about God’s greatest gift to this world- His Son The Lord Jesus Christ. Many sermons are preached at this season speaking of Jesus coming into this world as a little baby boy. The reality is God foreseen it a long time before that.

John 1v14 ”And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father.” The plan for Christ to come and save lost sinners was no spur of the moment decision or impulse reaction. This was perfectly masterminded and timed from eternity past.

The Word took on human flesh and Jesus then worked out each detail of God’s eternal purpose. He lived a perfect life fulfilling all of God’s demands to pay the price of sin, He died the perfect death and rose again.

In all the hustle and bustle of a busy season don’t make Jesus an afterthought in your life. Put Him in centre place and I guarantee you will walk into the New Year in an altogether better spiritual relationship with God.

There are always fads and trends- this years’ “must have” gift (it changes every year and you often find you really did not need it at all). God, however, offers a free gift that each of us must receive. It is the gift of His Son. Without Him you are a lost soul, with Christ you are promised eternal life and access into God’s presence. In Luke 10 Jesus speaks of “one thing needful “

2 Corinthians 9v15 “Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.”

Wishing you and yours all the very best this Christmas season. May Christ fill your lives, homes and hearts. Much love Pastor John and all at GCF



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