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January Blog 2025: Pulling together for Jesus in 2025


1 Corinthians 12v27: “Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.”


We wish each and every one of you a blessed and prosperous 2025! Here at Breakthrough we have been working our way through 1 Corinthians 12 over the past few months. Recently we have particularly focused on the section regarding unity and diversity within the Church of Christ. 


Diversity is a buzz word these days- but what does diversity mean in a New Testament Church?  There are many major themes in scripture: two of the main ones are truth and unity. That can be a difficult balance to achieve. There are truths in scripture that are non-negotiable such as the deity of Christ, the substitutionary atonement, the second coming etc. 


There is also a call for all believers (and in particular those in the same assembly setting) to pull together in unity. It is there The Lord commands the blessing. Yet within that body we have “individual members”- those who make up the whole. 


Our desire in 2025 is to pull together as one. To take ground together for God as His children, who love, serve and respect one another. To do our part for God as we are called to do, while remembering we are part of a link in the chain.  May each of us strive to be a blessing to others in this New Year that lies ahead. That is a daunting and exciting opportunity!  By God’s grace may we in Breakthrough know a breakthrough!


Much love in Christ, yours in His service 


Pastor John 





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