Have you ever felt let down and disappointed by someone in your life? Perhaps that relationship seemed so promising - yet it came to nothing? It could be a romantic relationship, a working alliance or even a co-worker within the body of Christ. It’s hard not to feel let down, but where should we look for encouragement? Psalm 121v 1-3 tells us:
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber
Look upwards and it will carry you onwards friends! Not forgetting that we too have likely let others down, unwittingly caused hurt, or even heartache at times.
We are not really dependent on others, for they like ourselves have their faults and foibles. Rather look up to The Lord! That is where true help comes from. He is not limited by human restraints, restrictions or resources. He can keep you and help you. His infinite aid is available 24/7!
Of course, we have much to look forward to and encourage us as a church as we are soon to embark upon an exciting new season in God. Our move to CenterStage will soon be here, with our first service on Sunday 13th August. You are warmly welcomed to come along and bring a friend.
In the meantime - keep on keeping on.
Love and blessings
Pastor John