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Our first blog!

Writer: Pastor John MacInnesPastor John MacInnes

Updated: Nov 3, 2018

November 2018

Pastor's blog: My name is Pastor John MacInnes and I am delighted to do the first of our monthly “Pastor's blog”. I would like to share a little of my story with you, and share the vision of our church.

I went to church as a child but went very much astray as a young man. My life took a downward spiral, using drugs, and getting involved in many things that brought a lot of trouble into my life.

Just before the age of forty, a number of very tragic and shocking events rocked my world. My two best friends died sudden and tragic deaths, while at the same time, my personal life was rapidly falling apart in a big way. Violence, tragically, had also become something I was quite accustomed to.

The final straw was a major accident, where both my legs were severely injured. I ended up in hospital and was then bedridden at home for a long time. I really felt my life was all but over. But the Lord had other plans!

My next door neighbour shared the good news of the gospel. I had heard it many times before, but this was different. There was a desire for a change, and an openness to the things of God, even although my first reaction was to wish he would go away! He didn't go away and I knew this much - that a great change was required in my life, and the solution was outwith myself.

I started to read the bible and pray, and this time there was a real connection. The thing about the bible is just this - when you read it and really want to get to God - you start reading it, but soon it starts to read you. The Holy Spirit of God shows you your need of Christ.

Praise God - He met me and put me on the right way! I was born again, a new creature in Christ. Old things had passed away and all things became new!

A couple of us started a little home prayer meeting, and it started to grow. Soon, we realised there was the makings of a small church! Over the coming months I will share more of how that happened, and unfold our story. For now, in short, our vision is just this - to win souls who are also on a wrong road, for Christ!

If Christ can change my life He has the power to change yours too! We aim to catch fish and rear sheep! To really be fishers of men.

Be blessed till next month.

Pastor John



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