Psalm 133 v1: “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!”
Meeting together to worship The Lord is so important in the Christian life. Yet it is more than just coming along, attending church or being a casual adherer. This verse calls us to unity! Now there are important caveats to put in place here. It is not a false unity or even a unity at any cost. There are certain core Christian beliefs that are non-negotiable. Fundamentals of the faith such as:
The need for the new birth
The deity of Christ
The blood of Christ and the power of the gospel etc.
However, for blessing to really hit a church unity is required! In Acts 2 they were “in one place and of one accord” when The Holy Ghost broke out. With this in mind Breakthrough Church is embarking upon various meetings going forward. We have a Lord’s Day meeting, mid-week prayer meeting, men and women’s groups, outreach meetings and Bible college study’s among others. If you are not involved the invitation is to get involved. To be active in seeking Christian Fellowship which will be a blessing to you and in turn to others. “Iron sharpens iron.”
For new converts there is a great dynamic being around mature believers. Also, for the mature Christians, it’s a fantastic privilege and opportunity to affect young lives for Jesus. Don’t be a bystander nor a consumer only, rather be a live coal. “Always abounding in the work of The Lord.”
Every blessing
Pastor John