With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, we ask the question: what is true love?
The 14th February is a romantic time, enjoyed by most couples. Many people seek a deep meaningful loving relationship: some romantic, some through family.
Others want to be socially accepted and valued within a group of peers or friends.
Yet here is a painful fact - often, even by the next year many couples are no longer together.
Any dreams and aspirations become just a bitter memory full of hurt and regret. What they assumed to be “true love” has gone sour! What they believed to be “ true love” turned out not to be after all.
So what is this illusive “true love” and where can it be found?
John 3v16 tells us 'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.'
God so loved.
The Father gave.
The Son gave His life.
Picture the quote: true love is not in the shape of a diamond or a heart - it is in the shape of a cross! That of course is true love! The great news is if you put your trust in Christ you are automatically a recipient of such great love!
If we look at I Corinthians 13 the whole chapter is about true love. It tells us love is patient, kind, not self seeking - it’s radically different from what Hollywood or the latest romantic novel portrays as true love! If you are searching for “ true love” you will find it in God through His Son.
We at times can display love, but we are not actually love. The bible tells us love is not just something God at times displays (although He surely does this too) but it tells us “God is love”. It is who He is, not just something He does!
Here at GCF we work with many broken and hurting people often looking for love and comfort but in all the wrong places. You won’t find true comfort in a bottle or a pill. You won’t even find perfect love in another person.
True love can only be found in God Himself, who is love and will shower it upon all who call on His Son The Lord Jesus and ask forgiveness of sin. Then a brand new life will surely unfold.
Much love from all here at Grand Hall Christian Fellowship Kilmarnock till next month.
God bless, Pastor John